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Journalist’s Day celebration and closing of “Invoking National Authors Program” which was developed during this year
Photo: Ana María de Eskenasy presents to Enrique Gómez Carrillo At Luis Cardoza y Aragón Auditorium of the Cultural Institute of Mexico, located at the Mexican Embassy in Guatemala, AMMPE Guatemalan Chapter, held the act dedicated to Journalist’s Day. Minister Dolores Repetto, Director of the Cultural Institute of Mexico, greeted the attendees, followed by Dr….
Both sides of the Mediterranean move towards the future through a feminist code
Journalists, researchers, and activists gathered at en event in Barcelona, where AMMPE is always present. The situation of war, environmental and economic refugees in the Mediterranean zone; growing environmental contamination, despite commitments made by the European countries to deal with climate change; freedom of the press, and the work environment for women journalists in places…
Ministra Segretario Generale del Governo del Cile ha ricevuto la presidente AMMPE
Mercoledì 19 ottobre, la Ministro Segretario Generale del Governo del Cile, Camila Vallejo, ha ricevuto la presidente dell’Associazione Mondiale delle Giornaliste e Scrittrici (AMMPE), Elia Simeone. All’incontro erano presenti anche Graciela Ibáñez, ed Eliana Jiménez, rispettivamente vicepresidente e segretaria del comitato organizzativo cileno per il prossimo Congresso Mondiale delle giornaliste e scrittrici che si terrà…
Record di violenza contro le donne in America Latina e Caraibi, intervista a Michelle Bachelet.
America Latina e Caraibi Record di violenza contro le donne: quale risposta dare? l’Alto Commissario delle Nazioni Unite per i diritti umani, Michelle Bachelet credits: @JennyPerezTV
ENI: Development is the new name for corporate social responsibility
The energy company’s commitment in Africa, inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Port Said, Egypt. In the ochre-coloured building in the country’s fifth most populous city, children are preparing to go to school. Some 800 students between the ages of 15 and 18, girls and boys, have been enrolled since last year…