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The detention of women journalists in Iran is a serious attack on press freedom and tramples women’s rights
The Worldwide Association of Women Journalists and Writers (AMMPE) expresses its dismay at the repressive policy of the Iranian regime that has resulted in the detention of an unprecedented number of women journalists as part of its offensive to control the protests sparked by the murder of the young Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini. For AMMPE,…

Giornalisti in messico chiedono giustizia e la fine degli omicidi dei colleghi
Tre giornalisti messicani, due uomini, José Luis Gamboa, Margarito Martínez Esquivel e, di recente, Lourdes Maldonado, sono stati assassinati quest’anno in Messico. Negli ultimi tre anni, 28 persone sono state uccise dalla stampa in questo paese. Il 25 gennaio di quest’anno, circa 47 città messicane hanno manifestato per chiedere giustizia per questi omicidi. La mobilitazione…

Stop to the underage girls wedding
A big and unknown problem in a lot of places in the world is the underage girls wedding. Sometimes they’re sold even by their own families: is one of the main axis of Zonta’s work, as it came out from the conversation between AMMPE World’s President Patricia Mayorga and Fernanda Gallo, Zonta’s International Director, about the G20 Women in Santa Margherita Ligure. As communicators from all around the world, AMMPE condemns this plague of the society

Video conferenza con il segretario generale del IILA
AMMPE Italia ha organizzato il passato mercoledì 30 giugno una video conferenza con il segretario generale del IILA (Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano) di Roma, Antonella Cavallari, e il segretario socio-economico Sarah Cordero Pinchansky, con l’obiettivo di conoscere i progetti che l’istituzione, fondata nel 1966, sta portando avanti in favore delle donne latinoamericane con l’obiettivo di diminuire le…

Leadership and female entrepreneurship makes a stop in Bologna
On 17th, 18th and 19th November, Bologna will become the venue for the international event dedicated to empowerment and female entrepreneurship organized by WomenX Impact, of which Eni is the main sponsor. Click HERE to access the page Three days in which to know stories and strategies told by the greatest Italian and international women…