Messaggio della Presidente Ammpe in occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Donna
Ancora una volta la scrittrice Nella Vulcano ci sorprende con la sua tenera favola “La casetta nella neve”, (ed. L’Erudita, Roma 2021), presentata a Roma da Patricia Mayorga, Presidente dell’Associazione Mondiale delle Donne Giornaliste e Scrittori (AMMPE), insieme all’autrice, al Maestro Salvatore Conforti, fondatore del progetto “Philosophy for children” (Filosofia per i bambini) e alla…
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again. Roma, 1st. May 2021
Today, April 23rd, International Day of the Book, us Worldwide Association of Women Journalist and Writers (AMMPE) we give a homage to our friends and colleagues writers!
Congratulations to our colleague and member of AMMPE Italy Marina Collaci for her novel «Scialomm Mussolini», which was presented on July 5th at the bookstore “ELI”, of Rome. Very captivating and well documented, this novel tells about the true story of a group of farmers, set in a region of Southern Italy during the Fascist Age,…