May 1st 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
We remember all those female and male workers who lost their lives both for a job accident and Covid, hoping we will take our lives back again.
Roma, 1st. May 2021
Il nuovo giornalismo è essenziale per cambiare l’immagine distorta della donna e gli stereotipi Articolo completo sul nostro sito web «Quando il genere suona, cambiamenti porta», ha detto l’avvocata femminista costaricense Alda Facio Montejo, in uno studio metodologico per l’analisi di genere nella sfera giuridica, due decenni fa. Questa premessa è diventata recentemente di grande…
A big and unknown problem in a lot of places in the world is the underage girls wedding. Sometimes they’re sold even by their own families: is one of the main axis of Zonta’s work, as it came out from the conversation between AMMPE World’s President Patricia Mayorga and Fernanda Gallo, Zonta’s International Director, about the G20 Women in Santa Margherita Ligure. As communicators from all around the world, AMMPE condemns this plague of the society
Speech by Daniela Carlà at the final meeting of AMMPE (Rome – Campidoglio, 17 September 2022) Noi Rete Donne is an informal network, totally without funding but which, however, has been carrying out its activity for more than a decade and enjoys recognized authority. Authoritativeness that we owe, in the first place, to our co-founder:…
Relaunch of AMMPE ITALIA 2023 «Women change the world» is the title with which the Italian chapter of the World Association of Journalists and Writers AMMPE (from the acronym in Spanish, Asociación Mundial de Mujeres Periodistas y Escritoras, founded in 1969 in Mexico City of which 30 countries are part) wanted to relaunch the activities…