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Conclusioni AMMPE XXIV Congresso
La «Sala della Protomoteca», in Campidoglio è stata la cornice della chiusura del XXIV Congresso Mondiale della nostra associazione, svoltosi dal 14 al 17 settembre 2022 a Roma, dove, all’unanimità, il giornalista è stata eletta Presidente Mondiale la cilena Elia Simeone, caporedattore generale dell’Austral Press di Punta Arenas e direttrice dell’Associazione Nazionale delle Donne Giornaliste…
Marina Collaci’s novel «Scialomm Mussolini» presented on 5 July in Rome
Congratulations to our colleague and member of AMMPE Italy Marina Collaci for her novel «Scialomm Mussolini», which was presented on July 5th at the bookstore “ELI”, of Rome. Very captivating and well documented, this novel tells about the true story of a group of farmers, set in a region of Southern Italy during the Fascist Age,…
Successful virtual meeting organized by AMMPE Italia
A large audience had the first meeting “The challenges in the field coverage of news related to Covid 19” told in the first person by journalists Karla Siles, Nicaraguan, correspondent for Radio Corporación and independent media of Costa Rica, and Mariana Diaz, Chilean, European correspondent for Canal 13 and La Tercera in Chile. The virtual…
Foto: Piattaforma a bordo della FLNG, il primo impianto galleggiante per la produzione e liquefazione di gas naturale di Eni in Mozambico e il primo del continente africano Messico e Mozambico: due esempi dell’autorevole presenza femminile di Eni in America del Nord e Africa. Vivono molto lontano le une delle altre, hanno usi, costumi,…
Work between rights and duties: towards a new perspective
Very interesting is the permanent table “Work between rights and duties: towards a new perspective” organized by Rosa Praticò, President of Officina delle Idee and responsible for women who do business in Confesercenti Naples and its province, as well as Vice President “Maipiuviolenzainfinita”. At the meeting, which took place in the prestigious setting of the…
The battle of the world’s women against violence
Online meeting organized by AMMPE WORLD On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women established by the United Nations, November 25, AMMPE World organized an online meeting with experts who fight against the many types of violence suffered by women in the world. And the title was «Not only blows», to give…