All AMMPE World News

Escritora Bibi Rubio presentó su libro «Cuentos del Armario»

Writer Bibi Rubio presented er book "Cuentos del Armario"

El pasado martes 11 de febrero, la escritora Bibi Rubio, miembro de AMMPE Capítulo de Guatemala, presentó su segundo libro «Cuentos del Armario«. Esta obra reúne una serie de relatos cortos, algunos inspirados en experiencias personales y otros en historias familiares, ofreciendo al lector una mirada íntima y conmovedora. Durante la presentación, la reconocida poeta…

Doris Nouel, nueva presidenta de AMMPE World: el legado de una organización global se consolida

Doris Nouel elected President of AMMPE World: A New Era of Leadership and Commitment

En el XXV Congreso Mundial de Mujeres Periodistas y Escritoras (AMMPE World 2024), celebrado en Punta Arenas, Chile, del 23 al 27 de septiembre, más de 147 periodistas y escritoras de distintas partes del mundo se reunieron para debatir sobre el futuro de la comunicación y compartir aprendizajes. Este evento marcó un hito para la…

AMMPE Guatemala conmemora Día del Periodista y cierre del Programa 2024 Travesía de Pluma y Pincel”

AMMMPE Guatemala commemorates Journalist's Day and closing of the 2024 Program “Travesía de Pluma y Pincel”.

La Asociación Mundial de Mujeres Periodistas y Escritoras Capítulo de Guatemala, con 55 años de estar activa y exitosa, conmemoró el pasado martes 12 de noviembre el Día del Periodista en las instalaciones del centenario Club Guatemala.  Se juramentó a 3 nuevas socias.  La presidenta de AMMPE Guatemala, doctora Ana María de Eskenasy dictó el…

Doris Nouel: “Es fundamental luchar por la igualdad de oportunidades para las mujeres”

Doris Nouel: “It is essential to fight for equal opportunities for women”

“It is essential to fight for equal opportunities for women in the sector, so that they can access leadership positions. Recognition of achievements motivates and commits us to move forward, encouraging teamwork and mutual support. It is important to avoid power struggles among ourselves, as they weaken us. We must focus our efforts on unification and on conquering significant spaces, especially in countries where the presence of women in the media is much more limited than in the Dominican Republic”.

Descarga de imágenes y videos del XXV Congreso AMMPE WORLD en Magallanes

Download images and videos of the XXV World Congress of AMMPE

In the following link you will find images and videos of the XXV AMMPE WORLD Congress, held in the Magallanes region. The files, in JPG and RAW formats, include edited and raw material. You can download what you need. To avoid saturating the site, the content will be available for one week. We invite you to download and relive those special moments. The photographs were captured by professional photographer Carolina Álvarez Montenegro.

News of interest

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Paulina de Allende-Salazar León studied at Diego Portales University and is an investigative journalist with more than 30 years of experience in different areas of journalism, leading teams at TVN and Mega, for the production of news reports and other multiplatform programs. Currently, she is a researcher and presenter of the digital media El Mostrador. She recently created LUPA, a foundation dedicated to the development of AI to generate content for public use, favoring democracy and transparency.) She received the Lenka Franulik Award 2020.

Operación Retuit, el método con IA que usan los periodistas en Venezuela para informar
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Operation Retuit, the method with AI used by journalists in Venezuela to report.

Source LA NACION (Argentina) - The characters La Chama and El Pana were created with Artificial Intelligence, with the objective of having greater security measures in the face of the repression of the media by the government. Last August 13, the initiative Operation Retuit was launched, a method that uses Artificial Intelligence to...

La amenaza inminente (y las posibles soluciones) para el periodismo financiado por donantes extranjeros en América Latina
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The looming threat (and possible solutions) to Latin America’s foreign donor-funded journalism.

Source: Reuter Institute Research, by Francisca Skoknic Francisca Skoknic shares the findings of her project in the 2024 Spring Showcase. (Image: Andrew Bailey) In a region plagued by poverty, inequality, and attacks on press freedom, Latin American journalists have ventured into nonprofit journalism to defend the...

¿Para qué sirve una convención de periodistas negros? La aparición de Trump en la NABJ plantea preguntas.
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What’s a Black journalists’ convention for? Trump’s appearance at NABJ raises questions

Source: Nieman Lab “In general, in all contexts of journalism, the emphasis needs to be on making sure that journalists are not harmed.” By Laura Hazard Owen Last week, at the annual convention of the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago, in front of an audience of predominantly black journalists, Donald Trump...

Cuando la IA se encuentra con la escritura creativa: un experimento de audio en la Radio Checa
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When AI meets creative writing: an audio experiment at Czech Radio.

Source: Reuters Institute In 2020, Anna Vošalíková created a program to explore how artificial intelligence could influence fiction writing. Four seasons later, the experiment is more relevant than ever. By Gretel Khan The banner for season 1 of the Digital Writer project. This article is part of a five-part series....

Propuestas de actuación para reducir la desinformación y mejorar la confianza en los medios Por la Redacción
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Proposals for action to reduce misinformation and improve confidence in the media

Source: Luca de Tena Foundation Design: stevanovicigor (Depositphotos) In many countries, including Spain, governments, media and other institutions, from different points of view at times, are looking for formulas to combat disinformation and strengthen trust in the media. This concern has given rise to a series of studies and proposals...

Link of interest